New Frontier Advisors

Q4 2024 Commentary: Defying Expectations, Embracing Optimization

Markets vigorously adjusted expectations for a new regulatory, economic, and geopolitical landscape driven by U.S. politics.
Q3 2024: Shifting Tides: Broad-Based Optimism Fuels Market Momentum

Markets changed character to broad-based optimism relating to the economy. The economic picture began to come into focus with inflation continuing to moderate as the economy maintains steady growth and employment. The result was a stark turnaround for economically integrated or interest rate sensitive assets, which resulted in a great quarter for diversified multi-asset portfolios. New Frontier sets a major milestone in Q4, marking 20 years of investing at the end of October.
Pulling Out of Volatile Markets Can Lead to Lost Gains

Staying invested through volatile periods has provided superior returns vs. selling when volatility rises and reinvesting later.
Q4 2023: The Turning Tide

After two years of fighting inflation amid fears of recession, markets and policy makers appear unified in their sanguine outlook. While interest rate increases designed to slow economies may well be nearing an end, markets are never without risk.
Building on Brilliance: Honoring Harry Markowitz and the Enduring Power of Portfolio Theory

In a quarter filled with talk of potential Treasury default and the second largest bank failure in U.S. history, markets chose to look forward. This was a quarter of AI captivating markets.
Saving Private Banks

Despite continued geopolitical events and a potential banking crisis, markets remained focused on the economy and central banks’ attempts to control inflation.
Fed Up: Can the Fed Accommodate the Market?

2022 was a year of disappointment and negative surprises as economies faced the consequences of geopolitical turmoil and central banks fighting inflation.
Q1 2022: Tug of War

An unusually strong tug of war between economic forces is playing out in global markets, with a booming economy and low unemployment offset by the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and expanded inflation. Expectations over the timing and magnitude of Fed interest rate increases rapidly evolved as clarity began to emerge around central bank responses to inflation.
Q4 2021: “Tracking the Recovery: Inflationary Pressure a Symptom Not the Cause”

The year ended on a highly upbeat tone for investors as equities rose to new heights against a backdrop of inflation and a prolonged pandemic
Q3 2021 Market Perspectives: "A Global Shift"

After beginning the quarter on a relatively upbeat note, familiar themes returned as fears of inflation, ambiguity over the end of the pandemic, and uncertainty about the future of Chinese capitalism raised concerns for investors.
Returning to Normal?

As the global economy continued to reopen and the recovery gained speed, markets reached new highs.
Which Way is Up?

As the end of the pandemic came into view in the U.S. and the new administration’s stimulus plan became more probable, expectations for economic growth and inflation have increased.
The Turning Point?

Despite extensive economic and human costs, 2020 may be a turning point in multiple ways.
A Fragile Recovery

The U.S. economy improved significantly this quarter, but investors continue to face several serious risks. In late September, confirmed COVID-19 cases were rising worldwide, and the pandemic may intensify as winter approaches. A combative U.S. presidential election looms.
Market Perspectives Q2 2020: An Uncertain Rebound
A key lesson of 2020 is the importance of staying invested even during times of high volatility. We believe that an appropriately risk-targeted, globally diversified portfolio is as important as ever. Maintaining an optimally risk-controlled portfolio is most desirable.