Evensky & Katz / Foldes Financial Wealth Management
Navigating the Investment Landscape: Insights and Warnings

In this edition, Harold Evensky explores the challenges facing sustainable and active funds, the implications of the new DOL Fiduciary Rule, and the value of long-term performance projections. With candid observations and critical analysis--read on to gain perspective on navigating the complex world of investing, the importance of risk management, and the role of fiduciary advisors in securing your financial future.
Harold Evensky’s NewsLetter Vol. 16, No. 3 – August 2023

I thought I’d lead with some really impressive statistics. I just finished reading our latest ADV Part 2 (the SEC disclosure document provided annually to clients) describing the firm.
Newsletter Volume 16, No. 1 February 2023

The planet’s billionaires are nearly $2 trillion poorer this year!
Newsletter Volume 15, No. 5

“95 years ago, your crystal ball reveals: Russian debt default, LTCM fail, DotCom implosion, 9/11 attacks, financial crisis and great recession, pandemic killing millions, 3 market crashes. Would you put your money into stocks? No? You missed a 10X return.”
NewsLetter - Vol 15, No. 1 - March 2022

The Bluetooth logo is a bind rune merging the Younger Futhark runes(Hagall) (ᚼ) and (Bjarkan) (ᛒ), Harald’s initials.
NewsLetter - December 2020

We hope you enjoy the December NewsLetter from Harold Evensky.