There are a few things it makes sense to get a start on when a new year begins. One is tax-loss harvesting.
Over the past few years, I’ve written numerous articles and given numerous presentations on Direct Indexing.
Generosity knows no season. But as the year-end holidays approach, many of your clients may be thinking about making a charitable donation or increasing their charitable giving.
With Direct Indexing, you can help your clients prepare for life-changing transactions and minimize capital gains taxes by selectively harvesting losses to offset those gains, and implementing tax-efficient trading strategies.
For decades, a key component of many investors’ portfolios was a fixed income ladder. It was intended to provide ballast to the more volatile equity allocation and help reduce interest-rate risk.
As an advisor, you know that no two clients are alike. Each has their own financial goals, risk tolerance and opinion on how they want to invest.
April 15 is undoubtedly one day that is not enthusiastically celebrated by most people. It is safe to say that the discomfort around Tax Day likely ranks right up there with your annual physical or renewing your driver’s license.
Looking back, I believe the financial advisors who were most willing to adapt to changing times were generally more able to set themselves apart from the crowd and experienced a higher rate of success.
Initiate the year with direct indexing, encompassing tax planning, personalized investing strategies, rejuvenating sidelined cash, and navigating concentrated stock positions or financial windfalls.
Although cash donations are appreciated, donating securities may be more impactful for both the charity and the donor.
Financial advisors often face the challenge of transitioning a new client into their practice in a tax-efficient way.
The sale of a business, property, or large stock position can generate a financial windfall that may trigger a large tax liability.
One of my mentors once told me that "Hope is not a strategy" and since we can't predict the markets, I have decided to focus this blog on using Direct Indexing to attract new high net-worth clients.