Tax Planning in 2025: Five Key Topics to Discuss With Your Clients Now

Executive summary:

  • The start of a new year is a good time to try something new – such as implementing or improving the tax efficiency of your clients' portfolios
  • Investment taxes can have a detrimental impact on an investor's after-tax wealth
  • Running a tax analysis on a portfolio can help show the difference in allocations, risk and return, and overall wealth
  • We suggest five relevant topics to bring up with clients to get them thinking about the benefits of tax managed investing

The calendar page has turned, and that means we have the opportunity to get 2025 off to a good start. Many of us make resolutions to improve our health, our relationships, careers or lifestyle. Why not also make a resolution to help your clients maximize their after-tax wealth this year?

At Russell Investments, we believe tax management is an integral part of investing. And we believe that tax management is a year-round activity. So the beginning of a new year is an ideal time to get your clients thinking about how to reduce their tax liabilities to keep more of their money in their pockets rather than Uncle Sam's.

To help you get started, here are five topics we think merit a discussion with your clients as the new year unfolds: