Investor Resolutions For 2025

I publish an updated version of my New Year “investor” resolutions yearly. The purpose of the process is to take an annual inventory of what I did and did not do over the last year to improve my portfolio management practices. As with all resolutions made at the beginning of a new year, it is not uncommon to fall short of my goals.

Here is a good example of the importance of keeping resolutions. Early in my career, I built health and fitness facilities. But have you ever wondered why you couldn’t just go into a gym and pay a fee to use it? It’s because the fitness industry gets built around a simple premise – you will sign up for a membership and never use it. So, the membership fee continues to hit your credit card every month. Yet, you don’t cancel the membership because you feel guilty about not starting your diet and workout program.

But you promise yourself you will start tomorrow.

Fitness facilities can continually oversell their gym capacity because many members sign up but never show up. Like going to the gym, resolutions to eat better, sleep more, work out, etc., all sound great. However, while we know we should do them, we don’t.

Such is why America is the most obese country on the planet.

Why am I telling you this? Because investor resolutions are just as hard to follow.