US Bond ‘Death Spiral’ Risk Brushed Aside by Foreign Funds

Whether you’re speaking with Europe’s largest money manager, Australia’s giant pension funds, or a cash-rich insurer in Japan, there’s a resounding message you’ll hear when it comes to US Treasuries: They are still hard to beat.

Four months since incoming Vice President JD Vance said he was concerned Treasuries face a possible “death spiral” if bond vigilantes seek to drive up yields, firms including Legal & General Investment Management and Amundi SA say they are willing to give the new administration the benefit of the doubt.

There are plenty of reasons for global funds to buy even as Treasuries are mired in an historic bear market. The securities offer a huge yield premium over bonds in places such as Japan and Taiwan, while Australia’s rapidly growing pension industry is adding Treasuries every month because of the market’s depth and liquidity. The US also looks a safer bet than some European sovereign markets that are grappling with fiscal problems of their own.

global funds